Insider Trades
Insider Trades Filter

Announce Date [Date of Effective Change] Buyer/ Seller Name [Type*] S/ W/ U ** Bought/ (Sold) ('000') Price ($) After Trade Note
No. of Shares ('000) *** % Held ***
ARA Asset Management Limited [SSH] S/U (110,201)  0.310 21,267 3.67 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 21267000 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 3.67000000 (Deemed Interest)
ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U (110,201)  0.310 21,267 3.67 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 21267000 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 3.67000000 (Deemed Interest)
ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U (110,201)  0.310 21,267 3.67 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 21267000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 3.67000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
ARA Asset Management Limited holds 100% of the shares of ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. who in turn holds 100% of the shares of ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. (the "Sponsor").

Accordingly, ARA Asset Management Limited is therefore deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities held by each of the Sponsor.

ESR Group Limited holds 100% of the voting shares in ARA Asset Management Limited. Accordingly, ESR Group Limited is deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities of ARA US Hospitality Trust that ARA Asset Management Limited has a deemed interest in.

The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA HREIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA HREIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager"and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers"). Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ESR Group Limited [SSH] S/U (110,201)  0.310 21,267 3.67 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 21267000 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 3.67000000 (Deemed Interest)
ACROPHYTE LIMITED [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 110,201 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals) Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): US$34,162,198.40 Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 110200640 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 18.99700000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
On 27 May 2024, ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Acrophyte Limited ("Acrophyte") to sell to Acrophyte 110,200,640 stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust ("ARA H-Trust", and the stapled securities of ARA H-Trust, the "Stapled Securities"), being 18.997% of the total number of Stapled Securities in issue (the "Transaction"). Completion of the Transaction took place on 09 July 2024. Each of (i) Tang Jialei (who collectively holds 100% of the equity interest in Acrophyte with Pacific International Capital Inc. Limited ("PICI")), (ii) PICI (which collectively holds 100% of the equity interest in Acrophyte with Tang Jialei), and (iii) Tang Jialin (which holds 100% of the equity interest in PICI) has an existing deemed interest in 18.997% of the Stapled Securities held through Acrophyte. There is no change to the deemed interest in the Stapled Securities held by Tang Jialei, PICI and Tang Jialin as a result of completion of the Transaction. The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA H-BT is managed by the ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. The percentage stapled securityholdings above are computed based on 580,102,394 Stapled Securities in issue. Any discrepancies in the percentages listed and totals thereof are due to rounding. All total figures are automatically inserted electronically.
Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: (Direct Interest); 110200640 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99700000 (Deemed Interest)
On 27 May 2024, ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Acrophyte Limited ("Acrophyte") to sell to Acrophyte 110,200,640 stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust ("ARA H-Trust", and the stapled securities in ARA H-Trust, the "Stapled Securities"), being 18.997% of the total number of Stapled Securities in issue.

Immediately prior to an internal restructuring exercise, Tang Jialin and Tang Jialei collectively held 100% of the equity interest in Acrophyte.

Pursuant to an internal restructuring exercise, Tang Jialin had transferred all the shares in Acrophyte held by him to Pacific International Capital Inc. Limited (being an entity wholly-owned by Tang Jialin) ("PICI"). As a result, PICI and Tang Jialei collectively hold 100% of the equity interest in Acrophyte.

Pursuant to Section 4 of the SFA, PICI is deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities that Acrophyte has an interest in.

The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA H-BT is managed by the ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

The percentage stapled securityholdings above are computed based on 580,102,394 Stapled Securities in issue. Any discrepancies in the percentages listed and totals thereof are due to rounding. All total figures are automatically inserted electronically.
ACROPHYTE LIMITED [SSH] S/U 110,201  - 110,201 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): US$34,162,198.40

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 110200640 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99700000 (Deemed Interest)
On 27 May 2024, ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. ("ARA") entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Acrophyte Limited ("Acrophyte") to sell to Acrophyte 110,200,640 stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust ("ARA H-Trust", and the stapled securities of ARA H-Trust, the "Stapled Securities"), being 18.997% of the total number of Stapled Securities in issue (the "Transaction").

The aggregate consideration paid by Acrophyte to ARA under the Transaction is US$34,162,198.40.

Pursuant to Section 4 of the Securities and Futures Act 2001 of Singapore ("SFA"), Acrophyte is deemed to have an interest in the 18.997% of Stapled Securities to be acquired by it under the Transaction.

Completion of the Transaction is subject to fulfilment of certain conditions, including Acrophyte obtaining a waiver (the "Ownership Limit Waiver") from the trustee of ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and the trustee-manager of ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Please refer to the prospectus of ARA US Hospitality Trust dated 9 May 2019 for further details of the Ownership Limit Waiver process.

Acrophyte is wholly-owned by Tang Jialei and Tang Jialin.

The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA H-REIT and ARA H-BT. Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA H-BT is managed by the ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

The percentage stapled securityholdings above are computed based on 580,102,394 Stapled Securities in issue. Any discrepancies in the percentages listed and totals thereof are due to rounding. All total figures are automatically inserted electronically.
TANG JIALEI [SSH] S/U 110,201  - 110,201 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): US$34,162,198.40

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 110200640 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99700000 (Deemed Interest)
Tang Jialei and Tang Jialin collectively hold 100% of the equity interest in Acrophyte, which is in turn deemed to have an interest in the 18.997% of Stapled Securities to be acquired by it pursuant to the Transaction.

Pursuant to Section 4 of the SFA, Tang Jialei is deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities that Acrophyte has an interest in.

Acrophyte is wholly-owned by Tang Jialei and Tang Jialin.

The percentage stapled securityholdings above are computed based on 580,102,394 Stapled Securities in issue. Any discrepancies in the percentages listed and totals thereof are due to rounding. All total figures are automatically inserted electronically..
TANG JIALIN [SSH] S/U 110,201  - 110,201 19.00 Note
Acquisition of Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder (excluding brokerage and stamp duties): US$34,162,198.40

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 110200640 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 18.99700000 (Deemed Interest)
Tang Jialin and Tang Jialei collectively hold 100% of the equity interest in Acrophyte, which is in turn deemed to have an interest in the 18.997% of Stapled Securities to be acquired by it pursuant to the Transaction.

Pursuant to Section 4 of the SFA, Tang Jialin is deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities that Acrophyte has an interest in.

Acrophyte is wholly-owned by Tang Jialei and Tang Jialin.

The percentage stapled securityholdings above are computed based on 580,102,394 Stapled Securities in issue. Any discrepancies in the percentages listed and totals thereof are due to rounding. All total figures are automatically inserted electronically.
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U (945)  0.280 NA NA Note
On 17 April 2024, ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 945,314 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U (945)  0.280 NA NA Note
On 16 April 2024, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 945,314 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U 5,392  0.290 129,577 22.34 Note
On 11 April 2024, ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 5,392,556 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. a wholly-owned subsidiary of ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 129577012 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 22.34000000 (Deemed Interest)
The listed issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd..

The Sponsor has also obtained a waiver from the trustee of ARA H-REIT and the trustee-manager of ARA H-BT (each as defined herein) from the ownership limit of 9.8% in accordance with the trust deeds constituting ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Trust Deeds") for the Sponsor to hold up to 23.0% of the total issued stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Stapled Securities" and the waiver, the "Ownership Limit Waiver"). Further, the Ownership Limit Waiver also provides that any breach of the Ownership Limit Waiver, or other action which is contrary to the ownership restrictions set out in the Trust Deeds, or any circumstances that may impact the ability of any of the subsidiaries of ARA H-REIT or ARA H-BT to qualify as a U.S. REIT or qualify for Portfolio Interest Exemption (including but not limited to any changes to any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines) or that may result in a breach of any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines, may result in the Ownership Limit Waiver being void and ineffective and certain of the Stapled Securities, ARA H-REIT Units or ARA H-BT Units (as the case may be) held by the Sponsor being automatically forfeited in accordance with the Trust Deeds. Please refer to the prospectus of ARA US Hospitality Trust dated 9 May 2019 for further details of the automatic forfeiture process and the Ownership Limit Waiver process.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U 5,435  0.290 124,185 21.41 Note
On 11 April 2024, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 5,434,756 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. a wholly-owned subsidiary of ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 124184756 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 21.41000000 (Deemed Interest)
Pursuant to a stapled securities purchase agreement dated 22 February 2024 between ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. (the "Sponsor") and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Seller"), the Sponsor acquired direct interest in 5,392,256 Stapled Securities ("Sale Stapled Securities") from the Seller. The Sponsor has also obtained a waiver from the trustee of ARA H-REIT and the trustee-manager of ARA H-BT (each as defined herein) from the ownership limit of 9.8% in accordance with the trust deeds constituting ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Trust Deeds") for the Sponsor to hold up to 23.0% of the total issued stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Stapled Securities" and the waiver, the "Ownership Limit Waiver"). Further, the Ownership Limit Waiver also provides that any breach of the Ownership Limit Waiver, or other action which is contrary to the ownership restrictions set out in the Trust Deeds, or any circumstances that may impact the ability of any of the subsidiaries of ARA H-REIT or ARA H-BT to qualify as a U.S. REIT or qualify for Portfolio Interest Exemption (including but not limited to any changes to any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines) or that may result in a breach of any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines, may result in the Ownership Limit Waiver being void and ineffective and certain of the Stapled Securities, ARA H-REIT Units or ARA H-BT Units (as the case may be) held by the Sponsor being automatically forfeited in accordance with the Trust Deeds.

The Sponsor is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd..

By virtue of the foregoing, each of ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. has a deemed interest in the Sponsor's interest in the Stapled Securities (including the Sale Stapled Securities).

The listed issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd..

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U 5,392  0.290 129,577 22.34 Note
On 11 April 2024, ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 5,392,256 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 129577012 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 22.34000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The listed issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd..

The Sponsor has also obtained a waiver from the trustee of ARA H-REIT and the trustee-manager of ARA H-BT (each as defined herein) from the ownership limit of 9.8% in accordance with the trust deeds constituting ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Trust Deeds") for the Sponsor to hold up to 23.0% of the total issued stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Stapled Securities" and the waiver, the "Ownership Limit Waiver"). Further, the Ownership Limit Waiver also provides that any breach of the Ownership Limit Waiver, or other action which is contrary to the ownership restrictions set out in the Trust Deeds, or any circumstances that may impact the ability of any of the subsidiaries of ARA H-REIT or ARA H-BT to qualify as a U.S. REIT or qualify for Portfolio Interest Exemption (including but not limited to any changes to any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines) or that may result in a breach of any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines, may result in the Ownership Limit Waiver being void and ineffective and certain of the Stapled Securities, ARA H-REIT Units or ARA H-BT Units (as the case may be) held by the Sponsor being automatically forfeited in accordance with the Trust Deeds. Please refer to the prospectus of ARA US Hospitality Trust dated 9 May 2019 for further details of the automatic forfeiture process and the Ownership Limit Waiver process.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. [SSH] S/U 5,435  0.290 124,185 21.41 Note
On 11 April 2024, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 5,434,756 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 124184756 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 21.41000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The listed issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

The Sponsor has also obtained a waiver from the trustee of ARA H-REIT and the trustee-manager of ARA H-BT (each as defined herein) from the ownership limit of 9.8% in accordance with the trust deeds constituting ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Trust Deeds") for the Sponsor to hold up to 23.0% of the total issued stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Stapled Securities" and the waiver, the "Ownership Limit Waiver"). Further, the Ownership Limit Waiver also provides that any breach of the Ownership Limit Waiver, or other action which is contrary to the ownership restrictions set out in the Trust Deeds, or any circumstances that may impact the ability of any of the subsidiaries of ARA H-REIT or ARA H-BT to qualify as a U.S. REIT or qualify for Portfolio Interest Exemption (including but not limited to any changes to any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines) or that may result in a breach of any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines, may result in the Ownership Limit Waiver being void and ineffective and certain of the Stapled Securities, ARA H-REIT Units or ARA H-BT Units (as the case may be) held by the Sponsor being automatically forfeited in accordance with the Trust Deeds. Please refer to the prospectus of ARA US Hospitality Trust dated 9 May 2019 for further details of the automatic forfeiture process and the Ownership Limit Waiver process.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. [TMRP] S/U (5,435)  0.290 945 0.16 Note
On 11 April 2024, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 5,434,756 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 945314 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.16300000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. [TMRP] S/U (5,392)  0.290 945 0.16 Note
On 11 April 2024, ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. transferred 5,392,256 Stapled Securities to ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. as part of an internal restructuring.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 945314 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.16300000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above is 580,102,394.
ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 945  0.310 6,380 1.10 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 6380070 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 1.09980000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 1,890,628 new Stapled Securities on 14 March 2024 for the payment of 50% of the base management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities.

The 1,890,628 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 945,314 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of base management fees; and
(b) 945,314 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of base management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 578,211,766, and 580,102,394 respectively.
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 945  0.310 6,338 1.09 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 6337570 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 1.09250000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 1,890,628 new Stapled Securities on 14 March 2024 for the payment of 50% of the base management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities.

The 1,890,628 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 945,314 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of base management fees; and
(b) 945,314 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of base management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 578,211,766, and 580,102,394 respectively.
ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 675  0.338 5,435 0.94 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 5434756 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.93990000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 1,349,822 new Stapled Securities on 14 August 2023 for the payment of 50% of the base management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities.

The 1,349,822 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 674,911 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of base management fees; and
(b) 674,911 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of base management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 576,861,944, and 578,211,766 respectively.
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 675  0.338 5,392 0.93 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 5392256 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.93260000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 1,349,822 new Stapled Securities on 14 August 2023 for the payment of 50% of the base management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities.

The 1,349,822 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 674,911 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of base management fees; and
(b) 674,911 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of base management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 576,861,944, and 578,211,766 respectively.
Lin Daqi [DIR] S/U 58  0.345 88 0.01 Note
Acquisition of Securities via market transaction

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 88000 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.01500000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager").

The percentage of stapled securityholdings is calculated on the basis of 576,861,944 outstanding Stapled Securities in issue as at 15 May 2022.
Yang Shi Ying [SSH] S/U (0.000)  - 45,455 7.88 Note
No change in shareholding held. Become aware of a decrease in shareholding percentage held, due to an increase in the total number of units issued. Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 45454600 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 7.88000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The total number of units issued immediately before the transaction was 565,909,000. The total number of units issued immediately after the transaction was 576,861,944.
ARA Asset Management Limited [SSH] S/U 7,663  0.357 128,227 22.23 Note
Acquisition of securities as part of management fees received by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 128227190 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 22.23000000 (Deemed Interest)
On 1 March 2023, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. each received 3,831,307 stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust ("Stapled Securities") as payment for base and performance fees.

ARA Asset Management Limited holds 100% of the shares of ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. who in turn holds 100% of the shares of ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. (the "Sponsor").

In addition, ARA Asset Management Limited also holds 100% of the shares of each of ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (together, the "Managers").

Accordingly, ARA Asset Management Limited is therefore deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities held by each of the Sponsor, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

ESR Group Limited holds 100% of the voting shares in ARA Asset Management Limited. Accordingly, ESR Group Limited is deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities of ARA US Hospitality Trust that ARA Asset Management Limited has a deemed interest in.

The listed issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd..

The Sponsor has also obtained a waiver from the trustee of ARA H-REIT and the trustee-manager of ARA H-BT (each as defined herein) from the ownership limit of 9.8% in accordance with the trust deeds constituting ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Trust Deeds") for the Sponsor to hold up to 23.0% of the total issued stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Stapled Securities" and the waiver, the "Ownership Limit Waiver"). Further, the Ownership Limit Waiver also provides that any breach of the Ownership Limit Waiver, or other action which is contrary to the ownership restrictions set out in the Trust Deeds, or any circumstances that may impact the ability of any of the subsidiaries of ARA H-REIT or ARA H-BT to qualify as a U.S. REIT or qualify for Portfolio Interest Exemption (including but not limited to any changes to any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines) or that may result in a breach of any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines, may result in the Ownership Limit Waiver being void and ineffective and certain of the Stapled Securities, ARA H-REIT Units or ARA H-BT Units (as the case may be) held by the Sponsor being automatically forfeited in accordance with the Trust Deeds. Please refer to the prospectus of ARA US Hospitality Trust dated 9 May 2019 for further details of the automatic forfeiture process and the Ownership Limit Waiver process.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 569,199,330, and 576,861,944 respectively.
ESR Group Limited [SSH] S/U 7,663  0.357 128,227 22.23 Note
Acquisition of securities as part of management fees received by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 128227190 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 22.23000000 (Deemed Interest)
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 3,831  0.357 4,717 0.82 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 4717345 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.81780000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 7,662,614 new Stapled Securities on 1 March 2023 for the payment of 50% of the base and performance management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities.

The 7,662,614 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 3,831,307 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of management fees; and
(b) 3,831,307 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 569,199,330, and 576,861,944 respectively.
ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 3,831  0.357 4,760 0.83 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 4759845 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.82510000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 7,662,614 new Stapled Securities on 1 March 2023 for the payment of 50% of the base and performance management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities.

The 7,662,614 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 3,831,307 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of management fees; and
(b) 3,831,307 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 569,199,330, and 576,861,944 respectively.
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 506  0.466 886 0.16 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 886038 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.15570000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers are entitled to base management fees equivalent to 10% of the distributable income of ARA US Hospitality Trust ("ARA H-Trust") and the Managers may elect from time to time to receive their base management fees in the form of cash and/or stapled securities. For the distribution period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022, the base management fees are US$943,000 and the Managers have elected to receive 50% of such fees in stapled securities.

Base management fees paid to the Managers in the form of 1,011,720 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 505,860 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager ; and
(b) 505,860 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 568,187,610, and 569,199,330 respectively.
ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 506  0.466 929 0.16 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 928538 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.16310000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

In accordance with the respective Trust Deeds and the Stapling Deed, the Managers are entitled to base management fees equivalent to 10% of the distributable income of ARA US Hospitality Trust ("ARA H-Trust") and the Managers may elect from time to time to receive their base management fees in the form of cash and/or stapled securities. For the distribution period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022, the base management fees are US$943,000 and the Managers have elected to receive 50% of such fees in stapled securities.

Base management fees paid to the Managers in the form of 1,011,720 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 505,860 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager ; and
(b) 505,860 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 568,187,610, and 569,199,330 respectively.
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U (42)  0.480 380 0.07 Note
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 380178 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.06690000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

The percentage of stapled securityholdings are each computed based on 568,187,610 Stapled Securities in issue as at 11 August 2022.
ARA Asset Management Limited [SSH] S/U 845  0.485 119,595 21.05 Note
Receipt of management fee units by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 119595356 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 21.05000000 (Deemed Interest)
On 1 March 2022, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. each received 422,621 stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust ("Stapled Securities") as payment for management fees.

ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. Ltd. (the "Sponsor") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ARA RE Investment Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ARA Asset Management Limited.

In addition, ARA Asset Management Limited also holds 100% of the shares of each of ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (together, the "Managers").

ARA Asset Management Limited is therefore deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities held by each of the Sponsor, ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

ESR Cayman Ltd holds 100% of the voting shares in ARA Asset Management Limited. Accordingly, ESR Cayman Limited is deemed to have an interest in the Stapled Securities of ARA US Hospitality Trust that ARA Asset Management Limited has a deemed interest in.

The listed issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd..

The Sponsor has also obtained a waiver from the trustee of ARA H-REIT and the trustee-manager of ARA H-BT (each as defined herein) from the ownership limit of 9.8% in accordance with the trust deeds constituting ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Trust Deeds") for the Sponsor to hold up to 23.0% of the total issued stapled securities in ARA US Hospitality Trust (the "Stapled Securities" and the waiver, the "Ownership Limit Waiver"). Further, the Ownership Limit Waiver also provides that any breach of the Ownership Limit Waiver, or other action which is contrary to the ownership restrictions set out in the Trust Deeds, or any circumstances that may impact the ability of any of the subsidiaries of ARA H-REIT or ARA H-BT to qualify as a U.S. REIT or qualify for Portfolio Interest Exemption (including but not limited to any changes to any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines) or that may result in a breach of any relevant laws, regulations and guidelines, may result in the Ownership Limit Waiver being void and ineffective and certain of the Stapled Securities, ARA H-REIT Units or ARA H-BT Units (as the case may be) held by the Sponsor being automatically forfeited in accordance with the Trust Deeds. Please refer to the prospectus of ARA US Hospitality Trust dated 9 May 2019 for further details of the automatic forfeiture process and the Ownership Limit Waiver process.

The total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 567,342,368, and 568,187,610 respectively.
ESR Cayman Limited [SSH] S/U 845  0.485 119,595 21.05 Note
Receipt of management fee units by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 119595356 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 21.05000000 (Deemed Interest)
ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 423  0.485 423 0.07 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 422678 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.07440000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

The Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 845,242 new Stapled Securities on 1 March 2022 for the payment of 50% of the base and performance management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities, in accordance with the Trust Deeds.

The 845,242 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 422,621 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of management fees; and
(b) 422,621 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 567,342,368, and 568,187,610 respectively.
ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (see paragraph 12 of Part II) [TMRP] S/U 423  0.485 423 0.07 Note
Acquisition of Securities as part of management, acquisition and/or divestment fees paid by the Listed Issuer

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 422678 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.07440000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The Listed Issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. (the "Trustee-Manager" and, together with the REIT Manager, the "Managers").

The Managers have announced the issuance of an aggregate of 845,242 new Stapled Securities on 1 March 2022 for the payment of 50% of the base and performance management fees payable to the REIT Manager and Trustee-Manager by way of issue of new Stapled Securities, in accordance with the Trust Deeds.

The 845,242 new Stapled Securities comprise:
(a) 422,621 Stapled Securities payable to the REIT Manager as payment of management fees; and
(b) 422,621 Stapled Securities payable to the Trustee-Manager as payment of management fees.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of the percentage interest immediately before and after the transaction above are 567,342,368, and 568,187,610 respectively.
Alexandrite Athena GroupCo Ltd [SSH] S/U (118,750)  - NA NA Note
Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
Alexandrite Gem Holdings Limited [SSH] S/U (118,750)  - NA NA Note
Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
Further to the announcement by ESR Cayman Limited on 4 August 2021 in relation to the proposed acquisition of 100% of the issued share capital and voting power in ARA Asset Management Limited (the "Proposed ARA Acquisition"), it was announced on 20 January 2022 that ESR Cayman Limited has completed the Proposed ARA Acquisition and holds 100% of the issued shares in ARA Asset Management Limited.

Alexandrite Gem Holdings Limited ("AGHL") is indirectly wholly-owned by certain private equity funds which are limited partnerships ("the Funds") managed by Warburg Pincus LLC ("WP LLC"), a New York limited liability company. Warburg Pincus XII, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("WP XII GP") and Warburg Pincus China GP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("WPC GP") are the general partners of the Funds.

WP Global LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("WP Global"), is the general partner of each of WP XII GP and WPC GP.

Warburg Pincus Partners II, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("WPP II"), is the managing member of WP Global.

Warburg Pincus Partners GP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("WPP GP LLC"), is the general partner of WPP II.

Warburg Pincus & Co., a New York general partnership ("WP"), is the managing member of WPP GP LLC.

Following the completion of the Proposed ARA Acquisition, AGHL holds less than 20% of the voting shares of ESR Cayman Limited. Accordingly, each of AGHL, WP Global, WPP II, WPP GP LLC and WP is no longer deemed to have an interest in the 118,750,114 Stapled Securities of ARA US Hospitality Trust that ARA Asset Management Limited has a deemed interest in.

Total number of Stapled Securities used in the computation of percentage interest above is 567,342,368.

The listed issuer, ARA US Hospitality Trust, is a stapled group comprising ARA US Hospitality Property Trust ("ARA H-REIT") and ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT"). Each Stapled Security comprises one unit in ARA H-REIT stapled to one unit in ARA H-BT. ARA H-REIT is managed by ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. while ARA H-BT is managed by ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd.
Alexandrite Gem TopCo Ltd [SSH] S/U (118,750)  - NA NA Note
Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
WP Global LLC [SSH] S/U (118,750)  - NA NA Note
Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
Warburg Pincus & Co. [SSH] S/U (118,750)  - NA NA Note
Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
Warburg Pincus Partners GP LLC [SSH] S/U (118,750)  - NA NA Note
Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)

* DIR - Director (include Directors of related companies)
SSH - Substantial Shareholder
COY - Company Share Buyback
TMRP - Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person
** S - Shares
W - Warrants
U - Units
R - Rights
*** Direct & Deemed Interests
  1. Only trades by directors, substantial shareholders and company share buy back are included in Insider Trades.